LIZZIE's Pikachu and Chimchar Adventure!

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Chaze the Chat
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#1 Post by Chaze the Chat » Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:51 pm

Chapter One: The Interview with Professor <Insert Tree Here> for the 4th time.

I awoke, unconscious, in a dark room. "What the heck?" I think to myself, only to hear the words "Welcome to the World of Pokemon!" The lights turn on, and suddenly, an old guy fades in. Not walk in. Fades. "Hello!" he says with a booming voice, "I am Professor Rowan!" Although, I knew who he was, everyone in the Ben Browder country knows who he is. "Yeah, yeah, skip all of this nonsense." I say, "Why did you kidnap me?" Professor Rowan gave me a dirtiest of looks, but said, "All will be answered. But first, are you a boy, or a girl?" Appalled to even be asked such a question, I say, "Are you blind? I'm a girl! How do you not know this?" The professor continued on, ignoring my tangent, "Alright, what is your name?" I sighed, but since he is a celebrity, I said, "My name is LIZZIE." The professor looked at me, and said, "...why did you randomly yell your name like that?" I then stated, "LIZZIE is spelled with all caps." He gave me another weird look, but continued on. "This is your friend." taking a picture out of my best friend and neighbor, "What is his name again?" And I looked at him for a long time. Why the heck would he have a picture of a boy in his briefcase is something I couldn't comprehend. I then said, "Look, creep, I am not telling you BLONDIE's name. Oh Pikachu." Rowan then put a smile on his face, and said, "Your Pokemon adventure is about to begin!" And without another word, I somehow shrunk down to the size of an ant, and appeared in my room.

Chapter 2: BLONDIE and LIZZIE Get into Serious Ben Browder

It was ten days after the kidnapping. I decided to study this "Pokemon Professor" by watching an interview with him on the TV. It told me diddly crap. I turned off my TV and barely took a step when BLONDIE came in. Remember when I said he was my best friend? I forgot to mention he is annoying as Pikachu. I think he has a problem, I wouldn't be surprised. "Hey LIZZIE! I have an idea! Whoa, is that a new PC? Nice room! Meet me outside or I will fine you 1,000,000 Pokedollars! Bye!" and then he leaves. I am going to take a little time to evaluate what he said. First: Your ideas suck. Second: That is a Mac. Third: I've had it for a long time. Fourth: You have seen my room before, why the heck would you tell me my room is nice? Fifth: Isn't 1,000,000 Pokedollars like 1 USD? Sixth: That threat won't be funny anymore when I stab you. And finally: YOU'RE ANNOYING! After a few days, I decided to go outside and see what BLONDIE wanted. My mom says before I leave the house, "I think BLONDIE wanted you!" No Ben Browder mom, didn't you see him leave here? I walked outside, and went to BLONDIE's house. As I was walking into his house, he bumped into me. Watch where the heck you're going, freak. He says "Hey LIZZIE! Are you ready to go?" And then I say "Well, what are we doing?" And he says "Just wait and see. Oh, I forgot something." and went back into his house. Do I just walk in? Does he want me to stay? I don't know, so I just follow him inside. I walk to his room and says "Oh hey, LIZZIE! I was just going!" and leaves. How rude is that? So I just walk outside, and he is on Route 201. "All right! Let's go to Professor Rowan's lab!" And then I say "Oh heck no. I told you he kidnapped me!" But then he just ignores me and runs toward the grass. He takes one step into the grass and gets eaten by a wild BIDOOF. No, just kidding. That would have been funny though. Right before he stepped into the grass, however, we hear a loud booming voice yell, "STOOOP!" Then I see a very familiar face: old man Rowan. Christ, stop following me! "You still haven't told me why you kidnapped me!" And he said "You probably just had a dream because I would never kidnap a girl." Then I thought about the picture he had on him and it all made sense. Then he said, "You two don't have any Pokemon! Why would go into the tall grass?" There was a silence, then I broke it with "I had nothing to do with this." And BLONDIE said, "We will take the blame together." And I wanted to smack him, but that would be cruel. Rowan then said "Maybe to stop this madness, I should give you two a Pokemon." And I said, "Do you have a Pikachu?" And he said, "No, I only have a Chimchar, a Piplup, and a Turtwig." And then I made a vow in my head: Until I get a Pikachu, I will only use a Chimchar, then I will only use Pikachu. Then, this kid named Lucas showed up. I could tell from the moment I saw him he was a nerd. "Professor Rowan! I urge you not to give Pokemon to these Children! They look reckless and cruel. It would not be smart." From then on, I knew I would hate Lucas. Professor Rowan then said, "Shut up Lucas, now you two, choose a Pokemon!" And I said, "I choose Chimchar!" Then BLONDIE said, "In that case, I choose a Piplup!" Then I said, "You son of a Pikachu, I challenge you to a Pokemon Battle!"

Chapter 3: Duel of Fates, but Not Nearly Epic Enough

"Let's Duel! Err I mean Pokemon Battle!" I say, throwing out the Pokeball holding Chimchar. BLONDIE throws out Piplup. The battle was one sided- Chimchar always used Scratch, Piplup always used Growl. Guess who won? Chimchar levels up (hehe, level up), and BLONDIE gets "Fined" 500 Poke Dollars. Not so fun, is it? During our battle, Rowan and Lucas the Dork both left, as they were no where to be found. BLONDIE then said, "Ah, what a day. See you tomorrow, LIZZIE!" and the avacado left. The next day, I showed my Mom the Pokemon I got, and she said I should go to Sandgem Town to thank Professor Rowan. And then she noticed I was slow as Pikachu, so she gave me some running shoes. "Press B to run!" she said. "...B? How do I press B? What are you even talking about?" Then she said "I don't know, just run like you normally would." Then, I left for Route 201, and guess who was there? BLONDIE, that's who. "Hey, you know about the Legendary Pokemon that is supposed to be in the lake, right? Well, let's thanks Professor Rowan by capturing it!" There were many problems with his idea, such as we have no balls, (at least, I'm pretty sure that can apply to both of us, seeing as I'm a girl, and he is a Pikachu wimp) plus, no PokeBalls (See what I did there?), and our Pokemon are pretty weak right now, but whatever floats your boat, man. Then, we go to the Lake, which happens to be called Verity, and we see a weird spaceman type guy there. "Oh time, oh space, I will own you, you will see, Legendary Pokemon, once I have you," he says, and then he walks towards us, pushing us out of the way. "What a bizarre guy," BLONDIE said. That isn't how I would have described it, but whatever. Then, we hear a cry of a Pokemon, and that reminds BLONDIE that we don't have any balls. He told me we should go to Rowan to get some, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't work like that. So, I guess I should head towards Sandgem.

Chapter 4: The Pokedex Spiel

On my way to Sandgem, I find some grass, and I walk in. Even though you can't see any grass move, there is Pokemon in there. I murdered a Starly, and then I did the same to a Bidoof, which caused Chimchar to level up and learn Ember. Burning Starlys to death, I finally made it to Sandgem. Lucas the Dork was waiting, telling me that Old Man Rowan was waiting for me. As I was walking, BLONDIE walked into me. Again. In 2 days. But whatever, he says "Rowan is actually cool!" and runs off. Sigh, I walk into the lab where Rowan is. The music that follows me everywhere is really quiet. I go over to him and he starts talking about the Chimchar I got, saying he made a good choice entrusting him to me, and he said I should name it. I named it "Craptosser." I am happy with the name. He then clears his throat and the music gets louder. Whoa! He then talks about PokeDexs. I think you know about this, so I will just skip it. Now that I have a PokeDex, he tells me to leave. So I do. Lucas is out there, and is trying to teach me about the things necessary for a Pokemon Trainer. I don't really care, so I ignore him. He tells me I should tell my mom about being a Pokemon Trainer and the PokeDex experiment. So I skip down some cliffs and get home shortly. I talk to my mom and she is cool with me going. BLONDIE's mom comes over though and tells me to take this Parcel to BLONDIE if I see him. So I grab Oak's Parc- I mean BLONDIE's Parcel and head back to Sandgem.

Chapter 5: The International Police Officer is a Creeper
Last edited by Chaze the Chat on Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:40 am, edited 2 times in total.

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#2 Post by IcestarRiver » Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:42 am

...Interesting. Very.

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Chaze the Chat
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#3 Post by Chaze the Chat » Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:16 am

BTW, I'm just gonna edit the first post everytime, but I will tell you what I updated in a post.

Chapter 4 is up. I don't know, I don't think it's very funny, but whatever.

Last bumped by Chaze the Chat on Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:16 am.

I don't care, if we're dead, I am Captain Splendid.

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