Secret Santa, as some of you might be familiar with, is a gift exchange of sorts, where each person doesn't know who is giving them their gift, making it a "secret" and full of surprises! The difference here is that instead, no one will know where there gift is going. This exchange will be done on Pokemon X and Y games, since they are the current Pokemon games, and by this point, many people have been playing them for a while. Each person will send a Pokemon, and each will receive one given by another member!
Figure out what Pokemon you want to send for the Secret Santa exchange, raise one, catch one, breed one, whatever it may be, and PM me (Slix) with the details of the Pokemon you're going to exchange so it can be added to the list I'll be creating to keep track of this whole thing.
Then, once your Pokemon is ready, you will PM me again and we will trade.
Finally, once everyone has done this and the event is underway, I will distribute the Pokemon to each person, so that no one knows where their Pokemon came from originally!
Submitting entries starts immediately, and you can begin to PM me with what Pokemon you'll be training right away, as well as trade with me whenever you are ready.
Submitting entries will close on December 12, giving you over a month to think about what you want to exchange.
On December 13, the actual exchange will start. I will PM participating members to set up a trade time, and hopefully by Christmas time, everyone will have gotten their Secret Santa gift Pokemon!
Enjoy, and please post any questions you might have here in this topic so it can be clarified! Also be sure to tell your friends and don't delay on finding what Pokemon you want to give out!
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