April 2022 Events + Dunsparce Appreciation Month + Community Weekend [Normal-type]!

Read the newest announcments to the Poliwager Adoptables here!
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#11 Post by Oshi » Sun Apr 10, 2022 8:04 pm

Yeah! Here's to all the people that keep it active and posted in memorial for this day!
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#12 Post by Oshi » Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:59 am

And now the first Thunderstorm Emolga has been found! By me hehe.

Just think about his name. And what kind of games involve that. Then once you get the "Carta", you can get it! Just don't be a "Stolto"

Hehe enough hints for me. See ya later!
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#13 Post by Slix » Sat Apr 30, 2022 11:37 pm

Hey everyone! Prize eggs will go out at 11:59 tonight, and will be awarded for the following:

- The team with the most Relics will receive a Victini egg.
- For users with at least 50 Relics, they will receive a Meloetta [Pirouette] egg.
- For users with at least 100 Relics, they will receive a Meloetta [Aria] egg.
- For users with at least 200 Relics, they will receive a Jirachi egg.

Hope you all had a fun month!


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