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#21 Post by Slix » Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:09 pm

Unfortunately for that to work, we'd have to be much more active, since topics generally are still being posted in that far back.


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#22 Post by Asha » Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:22 am

Pirate wrote:I was thinking more along the lines of locking topics that have no new posts after 30 days but leave it where it is and if someone wants to unlock it to continue the conversation, they can PM a Mod to unlock it. That's what we did on another forum I mod-ed for.
Although I agree with locking of topics after so many days (maybe two months), the idea of unlocking it when someone wants to continue the conversation seems pointless, if its locked it should stay locked.

It would allow for a similar topic to arise which would also spark a new conversation (rather than attempting to revive a dead one) as hardly any topics stay on topic :lol:

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