Now, for why all of you are (or at least should be if you don't read topic titles) here. Poliwager is run by one guy:
In this topic, you can post what you would like added to the site, the Forums, or the Adoptables, or what should be changed about the site, and if your idea is pretty good, or other people like it and it's not pretty good, I'll add it (unless the idea is actually pretty terrible. Then it will not be added.). This can be anything from new features, to new articles, to new forums, to new Pokemon in the Adoptables, to new Capri-Sun juice pouch flavors. (Okay, I don't control juice, but that'd be pretty cool, right?)
Okay, okay, maybe Slix isn't actually a puppet, but he'll still take everything in this topic to heart.
Post your suggestions today!