The Seasons are a Changin'...

Read the newest announcments to the Poliwager Adoptables here!
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#1 Post by Slix » Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:10 am

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Introducing... Seasons!

Today is the 7th anniversary of Pokémon Black and Pokémon White being released in the United States, which introduced a Seasons mechanic. To celebrate, Seasons are now on Poliwager Adoptables! You will now see a small icon next to the Mystery Counter on every page showing what season it currently is. Seasons change every month, as follows:

Image Spring:
  • January
  • May
  • September

Image Summer
  • February
  • June
  • October

Image Autumn
  • March
  • July
  • November

  • April
  • August
  • December

Seasons will affect what Pokémon are found in the Adopt page. For example, Poliwag is only found during the Spring and Summer, whereas Snover is only found during Winter. Starting now, Deerling and other forms of Castform will be available during the different seasons as well. You can see what season a Pokémon is found during in its Pokédex entry.

Enjoy! Be sure to let me know here if you happen to notice any strange seasons that a Pokémon is found during in in the Pokédex. :)


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- Isaiah 40:28

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