(Update: 9/1/18) The Summer Contest Giveaway is now over! Thanks so much for entering and participating everyone! The results can be found here.
(Update: 8/1/18) The Summer Contest Giveaway is still going on until the end of the month! Be sure to join in now and read the rest of this post for more info! Starting now, you can purchase your very own Poliwager.net T-Shirt or sweatshirt, if you'd like to get one early before the contest is over! There are two different types of T-Shirts, and a sweatshirt available to purchase, starting at $20. We've also changed the forum goal requirements just a little bit to make the goals a little more attainable. The details are updated below. Let's continue posting and sharing Poliwager with friends, and complete the forum goals this month!
Hey guys! Summer is nearly here... I've got some great news and some giveaway options for you all! The wonderful KentRippo has helped design a Poliwager.net T-Shirt, which will be available for anyone to purchase soon! Would you like to win one of these awesome T-Shirts? Read on below to see how you can help our growing community and win a shirt at the same time!
First off, I want to start by saying how thankful I am for your help growing this community and contributing to the site as members! Poliwager Forums has seen more activity recently than we did last year, and it would not be the same without you! It's truly has become a fun place to get to know people and hang out, and I hope you all feel the same way! I want to propose some forum goals to help keep the activity momentum going on Poliwager Forums. My hope is to keep this place growing, fun, and active! Here are the goals, and where we're at right now:
Forum Goals
(Update: 8/1/18) To help us all complete these goals, we've lowered the forum goal requirements slightly for the rest of the month! Let's continue to race towards these goals and continue having fun together! From now, we need only 50 topics to create, less than 10 new members, and just over 1,000 new posts! Tell your friends and let's have a good rest of the month!
1. 50,000 total posts: We currently have just over 48,000 posts, and I think we could easily get 2,000 more posts over the next 3 months with some help from you guys! More posts = more activity = more fun!
How Do I Help?
If you're reading this, you're doing the first step! Here are some more ideas to get Poliwager Forums more active and more fun:
1. Start posting, like mentioned above! None of this can happen without this. All it takes is a few seconds to post something new and spark new conversations with the friendly people here!
2. Invite your friends! The best way to get people to check out Poliwager Forums is through good old-fashioned word of mouth. Remember, Poliwager Forums is a fun place to hang out, and who better to hang out with than your friends, right?
3. If you are a member of other sites, use the Advertising topic to find signature banners and other images to show off Poliwager Forums on other forums and sites!
4. If you're a Poliwager Adoptables member as well, check out the Adoptables Discussion Forum here on the Poliwager Forums, for talking about the Adoptables, what Pokémon you've gotten recently, and as a bonus, your Pokémon can grow from being in your signature and gaining views! Remember, you get a bonus 25% Experience or Egg Steps from posting on Poliwager Forums versus other sites!
5. Share us on social media! Follow the Twitter and Facebook accounts! Share us, like us, talk about us! People see these things on your timeline if you post about us on other social media networks!
6. Be creative! Make your own goals and ideas for Poliwager Forums! Don't be afraid to break out of the "norm" and try something different to help make Poliwager Forums reach these goals. Make a video, send a letter, participate in a Pokémon video game challenge and post about them here!
Everything is good, and I'm excited to see how you all help out. I know all of you are very talented and creative people and can come up with some really good ideas to help out, promote Poliwager Forums, and make this place even better for all of us to enjoy!
So... Free T-Shirt?
So... What about the T-Shirt Contest Giveaway? I'm glad you asked!
We're looking for amazing people who can put these ideas into play and are willing to really contribute to Poliwager! In order to enter the contest giveaway, all you need to do is post in this topic so I know you entered! I will then begin tallying up new posts you make until September 1st. We have three goals to reach, and three T-Shirts to give away! If the goals are all met, the three members who contributed most will be sent their very own free Poliwager.net T-Shirt, like the one featured above! However, if all three goals are not met, only one T-Shirt will be given away to the member who contributed the most! Our hope with this contest giveaway is that we can create a little "community competition" and help us reach these goals even faster! Keep in mind, the Poliwager Forums Moderators and myself cannot enter this contest, but we are so excited to reach these goals with you!
You can find and support more of Kent's work here: Ko-fi, Twitter. Thanks again to him so much for helping with this!
Good luck, and happy summer posting! We're excited to see you around!