Poliwager Plays: Pokémon (Ultra) Sun and Moon!

This forum is for the 6th and 7th Generation Pokémon games. Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire, Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon topics go here.
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#11 Post by Slix » Sat May 18, 2019 9:26 pm

I don't think anyone is quite done yet, so let's postpone the deadline for the Grand Trial until next Saturday, May 25th!


Do you want to POKéMON with me?
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is an eternal God, the creator of the whole earth. He does not get tired or weary; there is no limit to his wisdom.
- Isaiah 40:28

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#12 Post by AwesomeTrains » Sat May 25, 2019 9:00 pm

Hey, it's time to finally get things rolling!
AwesomeTrain's Pokemon Moon Wedlocke feat. Mahina begins here!

First things first, what exactly is a Wedlocke?
The Wedlocke challenge is a variant on the Nuzlocke challenge:
A self imposed challenge made to spice up the game... and the difficulty.
  • Nuzlocke Rules:
    1. I could only capture the first Pokemon I encounter in each new area.
    (If the Pokemon faints or flees, I get no second chances. I miss my encounter for that area.)
    2. If a Pokemon fainted it is considered dead and can no longer be used.
    3. All Pokemon must be nicknamed.

    Wedlocke Rules:
    1a. Pokemon are paired in teams of two. An unpaired Pokemon will be paired with the next Pokemon I catch.
    I can only switch between the two paired Pokemon in battle. I can't switch between any other pair.
    This means I effectively have 3 teams of 2 instead of a team of 6.
    1b. Gender Clause: For now I am using Male-Female pairings. An unpaired Male Pokemon must be paired with a Female Pokemon and vice versa. I can continue finding Pokemon until this condition is met and then that is the Pokemon I must catch.
    2. Genderless Pokemon cannot be caught.
    3. I cannot put a pair into the PC or take out Pokemon from the PC unless a Pokemon faints.
Already seems like a lot of stipulations to make a game tricky but I'm going to add 2 very small clauses:
  • Item Clause: I can only use 3 items per pair per battle. Held items are okay but if a Pokemon faints, their held item is unusable as well.
    Z-Move Clause: I cannot use Z-Moves. Mahina is just very uncoordinated I guess.
I've already played through Pokemon Moon once before so I thought this extra challenge would be fun.

So with all that, how will Mahina fare on the Island Challenge?
Judging by how the first island Melemele Island went... her journey will be very very rough.
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#13 Post by AwesomeTrains » Sat May 25, 2019 9:04 pm

(I've completed the First Trial and the first Grand Trial so Slix, you're free to give the next objective.
I'll give those updates Monday at the earliest. :D)

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#14 Post by Slix » Sat May 25, 2019 11:23 pm

Alright! Sorry for the delay! It looks like we can continue. I think Crashinggg is still a little behind, but we can move on ahead!

My team:
  • Banana (Pikachu) - Level 17
  • Mighty Mak (Makuhita) - Level 18
  • Theo (Quilava) - Level 17
  • Nectarine (Cutiefly) - Level 15
  • Oreo (Oricorio [Pom-Pom Style]) - Level 15
  • Harry (Drowzee) - Level 14

The next objective: Begin to explore Akala Island, and reach Brooklet Hill to take on the Trial there! Try to do this by Saturday June 1st!
Perhaps we can also take this time to battle or trade together! After the first island, I'm sure we all have some different Pokémon on our teams. :)


Do you want to POKéMON with me?
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is an eternal God, the creator of the whole earth. He does not get tired or weary; there is no limit to his wisdom.
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#15 Post by Slix » Sat Jun 08, 2019 9:57 pm

Let's give this another week, shall we? Let's aim for next Saturday to be at Brooklet Hill!


Do you want to POKéMON with me?
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is an eternal God, the creator of the whole earth. He does not get tired or weary; there is no limit to his wisdom.
- Isaiah 40:28

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#16 Post by AwesomeTrains » Sat Jun 15, 2019 1:54 pm

Hey everyone, wanted to get the updates to my playthrough rolling for a while but I've been really busy.
I'm still gonna be busy but I'm happy to say that I'll finally be able to show my progress tomorrow!
(The rules of my challenge are up there if ya wanna read em.)

So Slix, Crashinggg, and PoisonIvey1998, how are your games going?
I want to see how your team is doing <3

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#17 Post by AwesomeTrains » Sun Jun 16, 2019 10:14 pm

1 First Trial.png
AwesomeTrains's Pokemon Moon Wedlocke feat. Mahina!
Right now, she goes to tackle the First Trial (and only Trial) of Melemele Island. How fares the beginning of her journey?

So I chose Popplio cuz he's just an adorable lil' pup. (Also I chose Rowlet on my first playthrough of the game. Nuzlockes are all about trying out new Pokemon so my starter shouldn't be the exception.)
From there, Pikipek joined and got attached very quickly <3
But the journey almost ended just as quickly as I ran into the first hurdle: the Iki Town Festival.
1 VS Hau -- Pichu.png
Hau sends out Pichu.
"Wait..." I look at my team. Yep. Both Bwark and Pipi-pi are weak to electric types.
This isn't fair at all.
Pipi-pi is up against this little demon. She uses growl in the hopes that Pichu doesn't have any electric moves and I weaken a tackle or something.
Nope. Pichu's Thundershock almost kills my smol birb.
I have to switch out to Bwark. Pichu uses Charm. Now I know that he has a move that doesn't deal damage.
But Pichu is faster than Bwark, my poor slow seal, and his Thundershock lands a CRITICAL HIT. It was a miracle that Bwark survived.
Bwark's Disarming Voice was also a CRITICAL HIT but it doesn't KO Pichu, and the next move won't either unless it's also a critical hit. It's not looking good.
Knowing Pichu is faster than Bwark, Thundershock will kill them both and my Island Trial will end before it even starts.
But then I remembered something and make the riskiest play...

Pichu smiled devilishly. It knew that it had won. It taunts me, using Charm, as if gloating. But that is what I was hoping for.
Bwark used his Torrent Boosted Water Gun! Pichu is swept off its feet, the blast of water doing enough damage to KO!
Hau then sent out his Litten but the tables had turned. Another Water Gun gives me the victory!
Whew. That battle was intense and sure as heck didn't give me confidence for the fights yet to come. I know I'll have to face Hau and his demon Pichu again and again so I'll need a team that isn't weak to lightning blots.

A shy little cat purred next to me while I was at the Trainer's School. This Meowth looked different from the one my mom has but he was still very cute.
Later, a pile of sludge came along. It was really gross at first but Meenya perked up when he saw it. Maybe they're friends?
The two of them look happy together and now I don't mind the Grimer. In fact, I think she's cute too, in her own way.
And they got to prove themselves at the next big hurdle of the run...
2 VS Growth Cottonee.png
A backpacker challenged me to a battle and sent out Cottonee.
Cottonee huh? I don't know much about it but it doesn't look tough at all. Meenya can handle it.
I was wrong. Cottonee used Fairy Wind, scaring Meenya away. Merr the Grimer stepped in to save him.
Now I forgot that Cottonee is Fairy type now so that Fairy Wind is big trouble. Meenya and Merr are Dark type but luckily Merr is also Poison, lessening the damage a bit.
Poison is also extremely effective (4x) against it. The thing is though... Merr has no Poison type moves. We'll have to make do.
Cottonee used Growth. Uh oh. Its Special Attack (And consequently, the power of Fairy Wind) rose.
Cottonee used Growth again. Fairy Wind gains even more power. I'm getting scared now.
Cottonee used Growth yet again. Now it is a GIANT ball of destruction. If it wills it, it could destroy my entire team!
But Merr defeated it before it could. Whew. Crisis avoided.

Along that route, a Makuhita ran up to me. It's cute and pudgy and part of my team.
I also visited the cemetery. I hope I don't have to come here often. A balloon came and it looked so cute with Argh. It's like they were meant to be together all along. Naturally, I caught her as well.
Now I have my 3 pairs! My first two proved very handy, and with the First Trial, it was time to see if Argh and Floohoon are capable too!
3 VS First Trial.png
Argh was fit for the job and beat those Rattata with ease! Ah, but that nasty Team Skull came to ruin the trial...!
They sent out Drowzee who had the type advantage! They couldn't have made this easy, huh?
But Floohoon is the perfect compliment. She covered Argh's weakness and Drowzee couldn't even touch her!
Team Skull was gone and now the real Trial begins.
From the cavern clearing came Totem Raticate! Time to take this Fat Rat down!
Argh steps up to fight Fat Rat. I used Fake Out to gauge the rat's strength and the Totem Aura raising its defense means that the Fake Out does nothing at all.
Fat Rat summons his little Goon Rat and both rats use Tackle, hitting Argh hard! (The Tackles do about half of Makuhita's health)
I knew I had to get rid of the Goon Rat before they overwhelm Argh, so Argh defeats it with a Force Palm!
Now the Fat Rat was mad and used another hefty Tackle...
It was no match for Argh's Force Palm and that Fat Rat was sent flying as quickly as his goons.

One of the Goon Rats offered to join my team so I named him Doodit. I already had my team so he goes to the PC.

And with that, I cleared the First Trial and the Normalium Z is mine!
I'm so proud of my team and I like how each pair had to face their own trial.
Bwark and Pipi-pi had a near death experience fighting the Demon Pichu,
Merr and Meenya faced down a giant ticking time bomb Cottonee,
And Argh and Floohoon defeated Fat Rat for the Trial victory!
2 First Grand Trial.png
Mahina successfully clears the first Island Trial and assembles a team of cute Pokemon! Will she be able to overcome the Melemele Kahuna at the Grand Trial? Find out next time!
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Last edited by AwesomeTrains on Mon Jun 17, 2019 3:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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#18 Post by AwesomeTrains » Sun Jun 16, 2019 10:22 pm

I'm curious if anyone can figure it out so the first person to guess the naming theme for my Pokemon gets a Pokemon of their choice drawn by me!
Thought this would be a fun thing to do :politoed:

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#19 Post by Slix » Mon Jun 17, 2019 9:14 pm

What a great story you've begun! I have no idea what the naming is from. :P

My team is now the following:
  • Banana (Pikachu) - Level 18
  • Mighty Mak (Makuhita) - Level 19
  • Theo (Quilava) - Level 18
  • Nectarine (Cutiefly) - Level 19
  • Oreo (Oricorio [Pom-Pom Style]) - Level 17
  • Harry (Drowzee) - Level 18

I'm very close to beating the Brooklet Hill trial as well, and since AwesomeTrains and Crashinggg haven't caught up to me yet, I'm going to extend the deadline for the Brooklet Hill Trial one more week! Let's meet back on Saturday. :D


Do you want to POKéMON with me?
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is an eternal God, the creator of the whole earth. He does not get tired or weary; there is no limit to his wisdom.
- Isaiah 40:28

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#20 Post by AwesomeTrains » Mon Jun 17, 2019 9:58 pm

Oreo is a good name! <3
I'm curious if Team Yellow is done now or if you'll be swapping out members for more yellow 'mons...

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