Hey hey! We're nearing the spring time outside! We're going to do another fun challenge for this month, a shiny hunt for a newly discovered Pokémon on Poliwager Adoptables, Flabébé! You will have all month to hatch a shiny Flabébé from an egg! Be sure to utilize Poliwager Forums for getting views, Twitter sharing for views for your eggs, as well as the interaction and view multipliers every weekend to help eggs hatch faster!
Prize eggs will be announced later, but stay tuned, and good luck!
Requirements for winning a prize egg
- You may only obtain one of the eggs that will be given out, per event.
- There will be as many of each event Pokémon given out as there are eligible participants.
- You will find the egg on the main Adopt page, not in your party right away, so keep searching until you find it.
- You will be the only one able to see your egg, so there's no rush in trying to get your egg before someone else.
- You do not need to be online when I run the script to release the Pokémon, you just must complete the above requirements.
Update #1: Event eggs are out! Genesect has been added to the Adopt page for those obtaining a Shiny Flabébé this month! Enjoy!