What is Hurt 'n' Heal?
You have 1 point to add to a name, and 2 points to remove from other names. Copy and paste the previous post to avoid counting errors, and add and remove your points there. Vote based on your opinion only. This is a game, so we don't want any hurt feelings!
For example, starting out the list may look like this:
Slix [10]
evergreenn [10]
Crashinggg [10]
PoisonIvey1998 [10]
Then, the first person to reply will add 1 point to one name and remove 2 points from another name:
Slix [10]
evergreenn [11] +1
Crashinggg [10]
PoisonIvey1998 [8] -2
Alternatively, you can split up the 2 points to remove to different names:
Slix [10]
evergreenn [11] +1
Crashinggg [9] -1
PoisonIvey1998 [9] -1
When a name reaches 0, it is removed from the list and the round continues until only one name remains.
Rules and Guidelines:
- You may only post to this Hurt 'n' Heal once every 30 minutes. If it has been less than 30 minutes since the last post, the post will not be counted! This allows users equal chance to hurt 'n' heal. You may only double post if it has been 12 hours since the last post.
- Please make it obvious who is being hurt and healed. Please use the +1 or -2 next to the numbers as given in examples above to make it clear who is being hurt and healed. You can also color the hurt name red and the healed name green if you so desire.
- You may not hurt or heal yourself. If you are in the current round, you may not hurt or heal yourself. You may hurt or heal others in the round but if the round has only you and one other name, you must let others play instead.
- Only I (Slix) may post new rounds. Again, this is to ensure things go smoothly.
- Have fun and don't break any rules! Follow all the Poliwager Forums rules, don't create alternate accounts just to play, be nice, and have fun!