The Emolga's guide to Poliwags

Poliwager Adoptables is a place for adopting your own Pokémon eggs and raising them together with others! Talk about anything related to the Poliwager Adoptables here!
[Poliwager Adoptables Click Exchange Topic]
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#1 Post by Oshi » Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:22 pm

Hiya! Your probably here thinking, Poliwager? What the heck is that?!? Well I'm here to tell you. Don't worry, I'll tell you everything you'll need to know about it, and hey maybe I can give you some life lessons along the way! And what better choice could you have, then an Emolga talking about Poliwags.

Emolga wink.gif
wait what does that word mean actally?

1. Poliwager, what is it!?!
2. How to Poliwag.
3. How to Poliwag, detailed.
4. What to waste your money on.
5. Events? We have those?
6. Explanations to simple questions because you're too lazy to find out your self.
7. Extra info if I feel like it
8. See ya!

Poliwager, what is it!?!
Poliwager, from what I heard, is "the most Poliwag filled site ever!" I have yet to hear of a more Poliwag filled site, so you can most likely trust them about that. Oh yeah, Poliwager is an adootables site also if that's important. Wait I shoulda lead with that information? Anyways the main goal of the site is to adopt Pokemon! (woah) Met cool friends! (wow) and to come together as a community to beat up the space wizard do monthly events so that everyone can get cool prizes. (amazing) For some reason though, people don't know anything about the site! Personally if I were you, I would know everything in less then a second, but since you're not, I made this guide just for you. Because I love you!

How to Poliwag

Well, Poliwaging is an advanced technique that only the greatest know. You must have mastered that hand eye thingy, you must have the willpower to want to do it, and hardest of all, an internet connection. Seeing as you're here, you have done it! Wahoo!! Well, the first step is to get an egg from the site, it isn't that hard, then you have to "click" it. Just view the page with the stats and stuff. You can click a Pokemon once a day so watch out! That's it!! You done it! ... What you wanted more? Oh has your little egg not hatched yet? Too bad!! But... I heard of a secret way to get them warmed up faster. Other people! Yeah as much as don't want to believe it, other people can come and help hatch your eggs! Usually if you click and help someone, they will bring the power of friendship and click your eggs back! Yay for friendship!

How to Poliwag, detailed

What? Did you're very specific queston not get answered with the first two parts? Dang now I actually have to tell you. I'm just saying, it's more fun learning your self, but hey you're anti fun. I hear you.
Poliwger basic things.png
1. I'm just gonna call it the welcome box. Here you get a nice welcome that warms your insides and makes you feel better. You can also change your cool message with those tripple dots and access the options menu. You can't change the difficulty of the site though. Lastly you can log out, but no one does that honestly.

2. This is the my account box. Or should it be called the your account box? Basically this will take you to the adopt pokemon screen,(which the image is on) or the your pokemon screen. I'm not gonna cover that Because I am lazy it is the exactly the same as this screen, but with your pokemon. Those are the first two choices.

So uh we don't want to update the image, but um look guys look it's the Pokewalker. This lets you shove a bombastic friend into the tiny Emolga(TM) container cell. Back then it just gave you exp every day. But as the new new Pokewalker DX, you can now gain exp from a fudgeton of ways. Like clicking, breeding, adopting eggs... You name it, it probably gives you exp. You can also let your friend out for a little bit to play with them to give you a GARGANTUAN amount of exp. Or well a huge amount if you haven't played with them in awhile. You also can get items from playing. I heard you might even get that one funny green guy from Dragon Ball! Wait they are called Zygarde cubes and not cells? Well crap that ruins my previous joke.

The next one is the Pokedex. Do you really need to know what that is? I mean honestly. Now shows your last five pokemon got!

Pal pad is all your friends you met and friend. you need to buy the pal pad first at the shop first though.

Okay the PC let's you put your Pokemon in it! You put them in it by going to a Pokemon stats page and clicking the drop down menu. You can also rename your boxes somehow. I think you have to do that in the PC menu, I also heard you can reorder them too through the same menu.

Your Room is where you can place the dolls and items you get in the room. You can also change your trainer too! But you need to unlock it first by getting some pokemon.

3. This is the community tab! Yeah, I know, big words are scary to me too. This box has things that related to other users and stuff.
Online users are who's online. Thank goodness you have me to explain these hard things. Hey, I heard that you can click some other users because it is nice! Oh and they might warm your eggs too.

Site stats are telling all these cool stats for the site. Hey, you're a nerd. You like this kind of stuff. You can also use it to see who's the best pokemon and how everyone is doing in the current event. (If the event calls for it of course)

Events can also tell how you are doing in an event for when you are not a nerd. You can also use it for opening up special locked boxes and seeing all your past events.

FAQ and help just tells you some extra special things about the site. It also answers some questions you have. But you're too cool for that section! That's why you're here!

4. Yay another box, This is the box. This box just takes you to all the Poliwag websites. Not saying Emolga is better, but where the heck is
Awight, you can read right? Yeah I hope. That's the first two choices in the box. Adoptables is that site you were on, and Forums is here.

Click Exchange Topic is a place on the forums here that you can post your cool Pokemon and hope to be clicked! Hey, I see you lazy pants, you gotta click the Pokemon in the topic too if you hoped to be clicked!

The Merch store! Would you like to live in Poliwag? Then that's the cool place for you! You will be in pure bliss if you got something from there! You can also help the site too! Wahoo!

5. You ever feel boring having the color blue? Maybe you are just feeling blue just thinking about it. Then the style switcher is for you! This little bad boy lets you change the looks of the site, just for you! I'm gonna haffa spread the Emolga propaganda here, and where the heck is an Emolga theme!?! Heck, I would also take Victini as well... (I did it, I made the Emolga/Victini theme. I think it took the same amount of time to make as the guide hehe) Oh yeah there also is a big Poliwag there too.

6. This is another one that doesn't have a name, so I'm gonna call it the news bar. This guy here shows you the newest announcement, the newest update, this month's event, and last month's event. Wait, something that has a simple explanation for once? Wahoo! Wahoo to laziness!!

7. Crud what the heck do I call this bar? Uhh, the status bar? Anyways this will show you some important things.
The left side is what you have. Money, messages,(I swear I read mine) ash from Mt.Chimney, and game coins. I'll go in more detail to some of those later.
The right side is what is happening. The pokeball shows a bug contest, the season shows, you can guess it, the season, and lastly there is the mystery counter. I'll go onto some of those later too. Oh and one more thing, I heard you can get a really rare pokemon sometimes if you look at this during certain times.

8. Awight time for the eggs! This shows you your current eggs you have! Now a newish feature is that you can see your recent hatches! Yes, only Minccino now. We will get there soon.

9. This is where you can capture you friends and put them in a box for an entirety. No not your PC you silly goose, your pal pad! You can friend people and they will now show up there. The green dot in front of their name shows if they were online recently. Oh yeah you need to buy a pal pad too from the shop. If that is important or not.

10. This box is the "Who the heck clicked my pokemon while I wasn't looking" box. This shows who clicked you. You should probably click them back right? Oh you're a mean person who hates friendship? That's sad. That's all I can say for you. Oh yeah and Poliwrath is always on the bottom of the box too if you ever wanted to click him. Important!! This has now been moved to the egg page! Heard the weather was better there.

11. These two here are the daily challenge. One for clicks and one for views. I'll also get on how to get views later. There are three levels of rewards. The amounts for clicks are 100, 500, and 1,000, and the views are 100, 250, and 500. The rewards are different too!

12. These here my friends, are the eggs. Just go ahead and get them. If you don't have six eggs of course. There is also a shelter if you want to get eggs or pokemon breed/released by other users.

Number 13, the right side

Yeah, this box gets it's own part just because how much stuff it is.
Number 13 himself.png
Well I'll just go from top to bottom. That's how most people do it right? Right?

Berry Pots is where you have four pots and you can plant berries in it. You can get berries from interacting and from the berry master on a specific day of the week. You can also get it from the walker sometimes! You mainly use this to feed the Wild Snorlax. Now you can buy a fifth berry pot too if you love you your daily juice smooth you sick sick health nut. Though, wouldn't you just be a healthy, healthy health nut...

Bug catching Contest is a weekly event thing where you must raise a bug Pokemon that meets the requirements of the contest. Like a specific pokemon or a number of views. Don't get your pants in a fritz though, you can get some cool rewards from doing it. Like items to sell or some rare Pokemon.

Day Care Center is where you can breed some of your pokemon to get some eggs. Every Pokemon you breed will make an egg in the shelter. You can also breed one for your self. Heads up though, in Poliwager, it is 50/50 what the egg will be depending on the parent.

Feeling Check Are you really feeling it? I'm really feeling it! Here you can do a feeling check to see how well you are friends with somebody. Just answer the three questions and let the magic do it's work. This is one of the main ways to get game coins also. And if you score high enough with someone, you can get a sweet heart to sell and a berry too!

Game Corner Only epic gamers can come to this place. Here you can use those game coins you earned to do some betting. You can do a pokemon battle for 1,000 (Now 100!) that can net you some exp and rewards from what I hear. Now there is a new stat you can see how many times your pokemon has entered it! (I don't know too much. I never won. Maybe I should stop only using Emolga. Nah. Though I did hear your IVs might influence it a little bit.) You can also do some slot machines too! These will give you a random prize (If you win) depending on what you bet. I heard you can get some locked boxes and rare pokemon from the 1,000 one. Lastly there is a game poster you can press. It does nothing. Maybe. Sometimes you can find a special key that gives you some coins. It's random though! Don't worry. You can try every minute.

Legendary Number Game Play a simple game with the Regis! Guess their number, win an egg! If you get close, let's say, one off, Then you can get a locked box or a key! Lastly if you get all five of those eggs it askes for, the big Regi will come down and you can get him! (Wait what the heck is that symbol? Why is it a pyramid? Why do you need Relicanth for the big Regi also?)

Lottery Corner This is like the game corner, but instead you're using that hard earned Pokedollars to buy a chance for a random legendary! Cost $1,000 for a ticket and ends on Monday. Now we have a daily lottery too! This one gives you a random rare pokemon. (Watch out, some people go crazy for it for the boosted shiny chance) The price is $500 and goes up for every ticket! Just don't spend too much. (No my munys)

Mewtwo Battle Here you must get six level 100 Pokemon to be able to fight and get Mewtwo! You must be the original owners of those pokemon though.
Now can be done multiple times! Just waita little bit okay? Mewtwo has to do other things in his life besides deal with you all the time.

Mt.Chimney Go around a dangerous mountain and get some hard earned soot to do so. (Wait I said Ash earlier. Dang it!) You can use 100,000 soot to get a Groundon egg! You can also use some soot to get some money or dolls for your room too. And finally you can also find some rare items from searching for soot on the mountain.

Poke Mart Here you can buy and sell items you can find. Don't worry, I'll go over some of the more important things to get later. Anyways the two things at the top switches from your items and the items you can buy. On your items, you can sell items. I even heard you might find a shady merchant who makes you pay money for rocks. Low, low price my butt!

Pokemon Camp This is currently the newest thing on the site. (Unless we get the V-Wheeeeeeeel, but since I'm not Victini right now, that will haffa wait) Here you can use the food that you bought to make some camps! The first food item currently decides the camp. So you only need to send a cheap item to join an expensive camp. It's four people to a camp too, so if you send a food item, you'll just make a new camp instead. This is a good way to get exp that I recommend.

Underwater Area This Mt.Chimney, but again really. The difference here is that you get pearls instead. Get 100 for big blue whale. You can sell a pearl for $700 in the Poke Mart. You will need to buy the dive HM first though before you can go here.

Wild Snorlax This guy will take all the berries that you can feed him! This is the only use for berries. (Besides rubbing it in that you have more) If you feed him a lot, let's say 500, you can get a rare Pokemon! He restarts back to zero afterwards though.

What to waste your money on

Wahoo!! I finally got through that boring stuff! Now let's say you are the big kid on the block. You got all these friends and all the very best pokemon. And most of all, you have a lot of money. But now you are stuck with this horrible predicament. What the heck do I buy?! Geeez I'll tell you, just please don't yell at me again.

Key Items!!

These are the best things to get!! I say you should get the Parcel first because it is cheap and lets you do some monthly events. I say the other most important one is Dive. This lets you do the Underwater thing and get some pearls. Just focus on getting these items first. These items let you enjoy the site to it's fullest.

Events? We have those?

Yeah hard to believe I know. Every month we have an event, and each event will give you some sweet items! Since I am the greatest, I'll tell you some of the events I seen.

Scavenger Hunt These events focus on getting as much of a specific item as possible. You can get this item by clicking pokemon! There are also usually teams to this event too. So if you want to win, Be on my team Click and help out your team as much as possible!

Shiny Hunt Just try to get the shiny version of a specific Pokemon. I think shiny chances are boosted? Well I can't really say a good plan. Just hatch eggs? Oh yeah most of the eggs you find during this time will be of the Pokemon that is being shiny hunted.

Fun Fest This one will have a random mission that all the users must complete! You gonna join the mission first though. You will get an orb after every mission, and it is usually 20 for the event. You get double orbs after the 20th so that is the time to get on!

Parcel Event Parcel events call for that one key item you bought. You guessed it, the Parcel. This event focuses on getting the best pokemon possible and giving that pokemon the Parcel. Level, clicks, and views can all affect the prize. But remember, you haffa had adopted that Parcel Pokemon during that month!

Dex Hunts Okay, to be honest this one happens really rarely, but I'll still include it on here. This one just asks you to get as many new pokemon to your dex as you can. Usually this happens after a new region gets release. All it asks is updating your pokedex for this one. So you can evolve some of your old pokemon and it will count!

Explanations to simple questions because you're too lazy to find out your self

How do I get X item?
Awight this depends. If the item is on the little bar on the top, it goes to the scavenger hunt event. Just click around and find them. If it is a key item, you are gonna have to buy it. If it is a box or key, it's gonna be lottery, daily challenge, and number game. If it is something else, it is most likely a secret item that you just gotta find using the previous ways mentioned.

I won such a cool Pokemon How do I get it?
For ticket pokemon that is given through giveaways, just go to the event page to redeem it, then you gotta find it in the adopt page, same for event and lottery ticket ones.

Well then what is X Pokemon's description?
No, you are not allowed to ask that here! Or else the Poliwags will come to your house and do some naughty things! Look what happened to Jimmy! Actually it is against the rules to ask that question, sorry. But you can guess it's a rare Pokemon by it's great description.

How do I see the items in my invertory?
For sellable ones, you can see it just fine with the Poke Mart. For other items, you gotta go to your public page, by clicking your name in the welcome box, and scrolling all the way down till you go to the item drop down. It is under your stats. Hey, you can also see your stats from here!

Locked Boxes? Keys?
It's pretty simple actually you big doofus. You have to use the same color key to open the same color box.
You can use boxes and keys to get summoning items to use on the adopt page. (Snorlax also gives these) Go to the adopt page to use them. You can get boxes and keys from number game, daily prizes, and betting.

Can I use an auto clicker? What about multiple accounts?
Wow look at Mr.Cheaty pants. Wanting to cheat the game. It is against the rules to do so! You may even get banned. Same with multiple accounts, but there are some exceptions, if you quit your old account and told a Mod, or if it is someone else in your house/family.

Are you really an Emolga?
Sadly I'm actually a Moderator with too much time on their hands, or no time at all, but don't let that stop you in life.

Is X a bug? I have an idea for the site too!
That you are gonna haffa talk to Slix about. He is the Poliwag. I'm just an Emolga. What? that isn't a good enough explanation? Ahh please don't hurt me Poliwags!! They want me to tell you to go to this place for that stuff. viewforum.php?f=6

How do I get views for my Pokemon?
All you have to do is get it's image code! To do that, go to the Pokemon's stats page and click the image code button. It's that easy! Then get the link for the site. If you don't know what one to use, just try all of them, or just read. That part works too.

What is Novelty Pokemon?
These are Pokemon that exist outside of time and space. These guys always come out on special days. So just wait for the right time to get them!!

What is the Mystery Counter?
It's a mystery, duh. I heard that clicking can influence it to go up. On special days when the counter breaks, everyone gets an exp multiplier!! I also heard that three rare Pokemon can com out too from it. You didn't get that from me though. Nope!

Can you give me some way past cool camping tips?
Awright now we're talking!! If you want to get the maximum exp possible. Make an expensive camp please. If not, don't make a camp just yet. Most likely someone else will make one! If not. You will have to hear that person whine and complain that they can't make a camp. Don't have that on your brain! Don't make someone else feel bad! Just give it a bit of time and they most likely will make one. Also visiting camps gives everyone in that camp some exp too. So do that please.

What do I do with all these Zygarde cubes?!?
You can just merge them in the event page. Duh

I think that covers it, but I can update this part as I need to.

Extra Info, If I feel like it

I didn't feel like it.

See ya!

It's so nice to see new people here. It makes me happy to see. I hope this guide helps anyone that has any questions about the site. I hope you stay for awhile and find some friends and find out that Emolga is the true star of the site Now I'm gonna asked why they couldn't get a Poliwag to write this and I'll see you around the site! I'm quite friendly so you can message me any other questions you have too! Until then, See ya!!
Emolga hearts.gif
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Last edited by Oshi on Thu Nov 04, 2021 9:37 am, edited 6 times in total.
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#2 Post by I love squirtle line » Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:17 am

Wow great explanation! Take it from the shiny mew!

Mewtwo battle:

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#3 Post by Squidliy » Fri Jul 23, 2021 10:55 pm

This is super great for new users Oshi! It's really useful and I'm gonna reference it when I need to
Hi~ I'm your local squid I love space and No Man's Sky

Thanks for clicking my eggs!

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#4 Post by Oshi » Fri Jul 23, 2021 11:23 pm

Ah thanks everyone!
At first I thought you were just leaching off of it for views haha.
I do hope more new users actually look at this guide if they need to. I also told Slix I'll make a forum guide if he wants me to.
Anyways I'll update it as more stuff gets added. (And more secrets are told to me)
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#5 Post by momoapplegirl » Mon Aug 23, 2021 12:43 pm

I didn't now dex hunts existed until I read this s w e e t guide. Thanks, Oshi!
My Party

My Eggs

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Mewtwo Battle

The Most Beautiful Pokémon Ever

:P :P :P :P :P :P

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#6 Post by Nightmon » Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:49 pm

Thanks for the guide! Tho the yellow text is sightly hard to read, maybe try using bold or another color? It's not that big of a deal, but thought it was worth saying.
I'm back! Click my stuff please!

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#7 Post by Oshi » Thu Sep 23, 2021 6:59 pm

Oh I'm on a dark theme so that's why. Hmm. I'll try blue but it will be a bit
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#8 Post by Tifa » Sat Oct 30, 2021 5:20 am

Thanks for writing this, it was a great help! :politoed:


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